Aros Kingdoms 2017


Aros is probably my favourite tournament of the year. The venue is better every year but I feel like the organizers have kept the biggest problem that the awesome weekend still has:
Warmachine. Once again it was a mistake bringing my models to a weekend of drinking. Continue reading

Smogcon 2016 Steamroller

Perjantaina pelattiin Steamroller 50 pisteen listoilla ja 10 minuutin timed turnseilla (!). Pelasin Kromac1 -Baldur1 paria jota olin tänä vuonna harjoitellut.

Ensimmäisessä pelissä vastaan tuli Madrak, joka ei ollut oikein sinut Baldurin controllin kanssa ja grindasin lähes tappiotta koko listan woldstalkereilla ja earth spikeseilla.

Seuraavaksi vastaan tuli Kevin Ota legioonalla. Oli pakko dropata Baldur1, vaikka vastustajan droppaama pVayl onkin pahimpia mahdollisia matseja. No, katsotaan mitä asialle voi tehdä.

Lähdin peliin sillä oletuksella, että ratkaisua on pakko lähteä hakemaan mahdollisimman aikaisessa vaiheessa. Vastustaja alotti ja otti hyvät asemat lähempää pöydän keskusta. Ekalla vuorollani rushasin parhaan mukaan, vedin neljä heviä linjaan ja juoksin woldstalkereilla turvallista laitaa eteenpäin ja toisella laidalla pyrin asemoitumaan scytheanin ja oman armeijan väliin (olisivat ampumiskisassa hävinneet anyway strideryksikölle ja tarkoitukseni oli yrittää varmistaa alpha Scytheaniin). Baldur tuli suoraan omien hevien taakse ja fiittasi (fiitin tarkoituksena ei niinkään ollut estää vihua pääsemästä kontaktiin, vaan estämästä kaikkia kontaktiin tulevia pääsemästä pVaylin fiitillä karkuun, koska menevät puolta nopeutta). Alla kuva.


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Finally, something done

Yes, finally! My first fully completed piece of the Khador project is done.



Actually, I have been quite busy painting 48 other models during last few weeks but this is the first piece done to match Hardcore painting criteria. Meaning also base done. Now I’m left with 48 models completely painted but bases still unfinished. Plus some almost as many models still waiting to be painted…

For artistic purpose I think there are still several things to do, in following order:

  1. Learn to paint better
  2. Learn to take better photos
  3. Do not take photos 2 am. and under influence of stimulating substances
  4. Get better lightning equipment
  5. Get better lences
  6. Repeat 1-6

Actually, I think it is much better in person. I hope you will get acquainted with it in person. Axe in the face style preferably 🙂

And finally, I hope that all of the other writers will be active again in publishing area!!!


When motivation is in the cats

I am quite sure that you all know the feeling. The motivation for painting is in the cats. I am feeling it now for big time. And if you are wondering what I am trying to say then translate it. “Motivaatio on Kateissa”. Meowwww.

If you think I am funny then you are wrong. Even this is borrowed. In Ropecon there was a lecture about motivation and painting. While it was rather entertaining it was still rather familiar. Taking targets, painting in smaller batches, etc…

Actually the whole concept looks quite familiar. I am an engineer and quite familiar with lean 6sigma and agile mindset. In order not to bore people to death the basics of the whole concept is dividing the whole project in smaller pieces and taking small tartegts rather than tryiing to handle the whole project in one piece.

But the problem is that damned Cat. I need a clear deadline in order to execute. And at the moment there are no clear deadlines available. Sure, there are a few tournaments in few months but they are either in wrong time or without any painting requirements.

But my motivation is still in the cats. I blame the cats, those damned cats….

P.S. I have nothing against cats. I do not own any but I still like them. Except they mess my painting motivation. Those damned cats…